Wedding Ceremonies
“A wedding day is one of the most important
and beautiful days in a person’s life.”
Wedding ceremonies are held on Fridays from 10.30 am to 12 noon. The hall and the gardens are closed for visitors for the duration of the wedding ceremony and you will not be disturbed by anyone for the duration of your ceremony and photographic sessions.

To organise your wedding ceremony at the Troja Château,
please make plans for the following:
First of all please make arrangements at the wedding registrar
for example Prague 7 registry,
tel: +420 220 144 273
then book the time
contact person: Eva Smolíková
svatby@ghmp.cz, tel.: +420 725 123 760
As your wedding day approaches, a meeting will be organised
in the château, during which the organisation of your big day
will be discussed and planned in detail.
The wedding ceremonies take place in the Imperial Hall.
Wedding ceremony hire charges are 20,000 CZK without VAT.
For further information and clarifications please contact
Eva Smolíková, tel: +420 725 123 760,
email: smolikova@ghmp.cz
virtual tour of the Imperial Hall
virtual tour of the garden