Social Events at Colloredo-Mansfeld Palace
Social events may be held in the Dance Hall (virtual tour) and the adjacent small salons of the piano nobile. Due to the technical condition of the Palace the present maximum capacity of the hall for social events is 70 guests. The richly decorated Baroque hall with an area of 160 m2 can be used for organising gala dinners, receptions and conferences.
There is no heating provided in the Hall during the winter months.

The representative spaces of the Dance Hall offer a wonderful opportunity for organising concerts of classical music.
The synergy of music, the Palace’s unique location in the vicinity of Charles Bridge, and the atmosphere of the Baroque hall itself, guarantee a unique experience for the audience.
Concerts can be organised throughout the year and can be booked directly with a representative of the Prague City Gallery.
For further information and clarifications please contact
Eva Smolíková, tel: +420 725 123 760,
email: smolikova@ghmp.cz